Sxto es Slovio? Slovio es novju mezxunarodju jazika ktor razumijut cxtirsto milion ludis na celoju zemla. Slovio mozxete upotrebit dla gvorenie so cxtirsto milion slavju Ludis ot Praga do Vladivostok; ot Sankt Peterburg cxerez Varsxava do Varna; ot Sredzemju Morie i ot Severju Morie do Tihju Okean. Slovio imajt prostju, logikju gramatia i Slovio es idealju jazika dla dnesju ludis. Ucxijte Slovio tper!
Slovio je uměle vytvořený jazyk, který vymyslel kanadský Slovák Mark Hučko v roce 2000, a funguje obdobně jako známé esperanto — s tím rozdílem, že má reálný základ ve většině obvyklých slovanských jazycích, některá mezinárodně používaná slova přejímá též například z angličtiny. Mixem těchto jazyků vznikl jazyk nový — „všeslovanský“, kterému by východoevropané měli bez problémů porozumět. Nejblíže má asi k ruštině nebo polštině, ale v zásadě platí, že se skládá převážně ze slov pro slovanské jazyky více méně společných. Je docela prostý (viz čísla), podle Hučka 5—10× snazší než angličtina.
Elegantně si tvůrce poradil s diakritizovanými znaky, které nahradil spřežkami. Využil málo frekventovaného písmene X, aby tak nechal vzniknout následujícím spřežkám:
cx (č), sx (š), zx (ž), gx (dž), wx (šč)
Pokud si zapamatujete toto jednoduché pravidlo, s největší pravděpodobností nebudete mít s texty psanými v jazyku Slovio problémy. Mne tato Hučkova aktivita rozhodně zaujala, držím mu v dalším vývoji palce. Nepovažuji za nutné psát hned nadšené nekritické reakce, jaké jsou k vidění na webu, na druhou stranu — nebylo by hezké domluvit se s ostatními (nejen) Slovany na této planetě? A nemusí jich být hned čtyři sta milionů!
Bohužel ne každý jazyk je slovanský :-/
Ale je to každopádně nádherný. Fascinuje mě, že jsem schopen číst mně dosud neznámý jazyk a plyně porozumět textu. Krása.
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, t, u, v, z
‚ – pomocný znak pro tvoření jiných hlásek
Psaní je jisté. Každá hláska představuje jedno písmeno a každé písmeno představuje
jednu hlásku.
Když slišíte slovo, můžete jej napsát; když jej vidíte napsané, můžete ho říci.
Neni tam žádnej člen
– přirozená forma
– množné číslo zakončené na – i (vynecháni poslední souhlásky: mama – mami)
genitiv – ov (otecov kabat – otcův kabát)
dativ – om (otecom kabat – otcovmu kabátu)
lokal předložka o ( Ja govorit o te – mluvím o tobě )
instrumental předložka s ( Ja idit tam s auto – jedu tam autem )
– zakončení na – e (dobre – dobrý,á,é)
– zakončení na – o (dobro – dobře)
Osobní zájmena
Nominativ Dativ Genitiv (přivlastňovací)
ja – ja me – mně moi – můj
ti – ty te – tobě tvoi – váš
ten – on, ten tenu – jemu,mu tenoi – jeho
ta – ona, tá tau – ji tai – jeji
to – ono, to tou – jemu,mu toi – jeho
mi – my nam – nám nas‘ – náš
vi – vy vam – vám vas‘ – váš
tie – oni tim – jim tih‘ – jejich
ti – ty (singulár) vi – vy (plurál)
Stupňování přídavních jmen a příslovek
před přídavní jméno / příslovku : vic (2. stupeň)
navic (3. stupeň)
– zakončené na – t
minulý čas – l
přítomný čas – t
budoucí čas – m
bít – est
minulý čas il
přítomný čas es
budoucí čas em
Dokonalý spůsob slovesa aktivní na
Dokonalý spůsob slovesa pasivní na …. te
Podmíňovací spůsob : bi
Minulý spůsob podmíňovací : bi + – l
Rozkazovací spůsob : přípona – i (vynecháni souhlásky + t zakončení sloves)
Tvoření podstatných jmen ze sloves: vynechání souhlásky + t a zakončení na – (e)nie, množné číslo – (e)ni
Zvratní zájmeno se – se, sobě
příslušník národa – an / ani (množné číslo)
jazyk : zakončení na – o
změna stavu : pre (před slovem)
základní číslovky : radové číslovky : zakončení – te
0 – nul, zero 0th – nulte, zerote ( zeroth, nilth)
1 – en 1st – ente
2 – dve 2nd – dvete
3 – tri 3rd – trite
4 – s’tir 4th – s’tirte
5 – pet 5th – pette
6 – s’es 6th – sxeste
7 – sem 7th – semte
8 – os 8th – oste
9 – dev 9th – devte
10 – des 10th – deste
11 – desen 11th – desente
12 – desdve 12th – desdvete
13 – destri 13th – destrite
14 – dess’tir 14th – dess’tirte
15 – despet 15th – despetta
16 – dess’es 16th – dess’este
17 – dessem 17th – dessemte
18 – desos 18th – desoste
19 – desdev 19th – desdevte
20 – dvedes 20th – dvedeste
21 – dvedesen 21th – dvedesente
22 – dvedesdve 22th – dvedesdvete
30 – trides 30th – trideste
40 – s’tirdes 40th – s’tirdeste
50 – petdes 50th – petdeste
100 – sto (hekto) 100th – stote (hektote)
1000 – tis (kilo) 1 000th – tiste (kilote)
1 000 000 – milion (mega) 1 000 000th – milionte (megate)
1 000 000 000 – bilion (giga) 1 000 000 000th – bilionte (gigate)
Násobení : – krat dvekrat – dvakrát, deskrat – desetkrát
Dělení : div děleno, dělené
Zlomky : – ina dveina – jedna polovina, desina – desetina, stoina – stotina, tisina – tisícina, milionina – milióntina
I would like to ask you some questions about Slovio and other things
concerning all Slavonic language and some events to be awaited.
In my personal opinion, the real creator of Slovio is God, and God transmitted Slovio to the brain of Mark Hucko.
– how do you know that God is the creator of Slovio (do you have any evidence ?)
Mark Hucko probably does not agree with what I said now.
But I believe that God has given this language to Mark Hucko, because of the necessity of the creation of a new Christian Slavic empire,
– how do you know God wants to create „a new Christian Slavic empire “ ?
– where have you got any evidence from of God´s willing to do that ?
with only one language.
I have ADOPTED Slovio as THE panslavic language, because I consider that time is short.
– What (or whose) time is short ? Short for what ?
Soon, the Slavs must fulfill their destiny
– what destiny must the Slavs fulfill ?
as the crusaders of the end of times, therefore there is no time to endlessly play with the language question. Now, the language question has been settled once and for all
– who told you the language question has been settled once and for all ?
(isn´t it just your imagination and strong conviction about a need of doing it ?)
: the language is Slovio.
– how do you know (who told you ) that just Slovio is the right language for this purpose ?
( isn´t it just your very deep anxiety for that ?)
And, quite frankly, I think that there is no need for improvement, because Slovio is already good enough : complete, functional, elegant, efficient.
– It may be like that but this is just your own opinion and you cannot be on behalf
of milions of people living in the Slavonic countries.
And to tell the true, every language (even constructed) has what to improve.
It can be elegant, probably even functional but hardly complete or efficient in every
way of common situation.
Time is short, very short, let us stop playing with languages, let us finish with the question „which language ?“, and let us start SPREADING the language which we already have : SLOVIO
– sorry, but who has Slovio ? Do you mean some (a few) people have decided for this
language and now you want others to stop „playing with languages“ – you must be
funny saying this.
( anyway, I do not deny any other „normal“ priorities to be taken care of but
what are your these „OTHER NEW PRIORITIES“ ?)
For example, the enemies of God have a plan to exterminate His Slavs,
– sorry Lorenzo, but I must tell you what cause this exterminating the Slavs (especially Russians).
It is very bad economical situation at present Russia (I mean for common people)
Try to live there for several years as an ordinary citizen somewhere in their contryside.
Moreover, unwillingness the russian goverment to help the poor people to get better their lives, to buid up their economy, their infrastructure, services, modernise their old – fasioned factories, cities, towns, villages, to care about general welfare of common people in that country, to root out coruption, bribery, devastation of natural resources, devastation of lives of common people (as it is done in Slovakia, Poland and partly in Czechia).
Go to some remote parts of present Russian country or Slovakia or Poland and ask common people what they think about it all and then you´ll see where is the real truth.
They will tell you what it is like and what is just „trumpery“ of all that is published in
mass-media. They will tell you how much money was defrauded, how much money sank
the former and present government representatives in these countries, what injustice vilenesses and knaveries of the official and government organs have done for the last 15 years.
They will tell you how many factories and companies these officials devastated and
enriched from them by selling the welness of all people for just 1 crown or misteriously privatized only selected, „from evening to morning“ millionaires and billionaire and so on.
How many filthy lucre they obtained and soaked the ordinary people in these republics
from their money. The legislative and justice in these countries is corupted, bribed and
has a propensity to act as Italian mafia. And this all, so called „official institution“
are connected each other and offending malefactions everywhere in these countries
starting at county courts and police stations, going on through police centres of investigations where these criminal acts are „swept away“ and this investigation is then
stopped. This government criminality and leviathans are ranging from basic institutions
up to governement bodies and ministries and administrations. All of them are protected
and have so called „deputy imunity“ even against criminal acts. These are all backstage
I can confirm this because I lived there so long as I could see this „filthinesses“
being done there by certain very leviathans employed in official institutions all around.
I asked various people about that, read newspapers and saw it on television.
And it has been continuing from 1992 up to now.
Do not think, I am not neither former not present communist but I would say the
people after „velvet revolution“ remained the same – they just „changed their coats“
and reseated their chairs.
( this can affirm 95 % of population living in these post-communist countries)
So, let´s ask the very basic question : WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FLEEDING
If you answer properly these basic questions then we can have debate about the rest
of the matters.
Here are some of the problems we have encountered during the development of the Slovio language. We feel we have to explain them again and again because again and again come the same questions on these subjects and enthusiasts, again and again, try to „reinvent“ the language by repeatedly suggesting all those possibilities we have already considered.
cx, sx, zx, gzx, – after trying many variants we have accepted this type of spelling, because the letter combinations „cx, sx, zx, gzx“ don’t exist in any major languages and thus don’t create confusion or mix up with existing words from other languages. We felt is was important to give Slovio the ability to use and if need to absorb words from other languages while keeping the original spelling and not creating any confusion or conflicts with Slovio words.
cz, sz, zz, dzz, – this was another possibility being considered, however we felt that the dual use of letter „z“ for two different sounds was confusing and that this type of usage could create conflicts with existing words from other languages for example „pizza“ and thousands of other words.
ch, sh, zh, dzh, – once again, this is the spelling used in the English language, and just because it is used in the English language its use in Slovio would create thousands of possible words which would look the same yet have different meaning and pronounciation in Slovio and in English.
c‘, s‘, z‘, dz‘, – one of the problems with the use of apostrophy is that there are several similar looking characters, on various keyboards, which look the same yet have different code and would look different in different browsers.
j / y – the first version of Slovio instead of using „j“ used „y“ for the same sound, more or less in the same way it is being used in English. However for the Slavic speaking nations using the latin alphabet the letter „j“ was more appropriate, and better known.
-(i)s – despite the fact that the letter combination -is is not naturally occuring in Slavic languages, we felt that this usage created a more simple language, spelling and grammar and less conflicts. It did not require massive root-mutiliation in order to make the roots fit the other possible alternatives.
-i – it is true that one of the most common ways to create plural of nouns is the letter „-i“. However this usage creates thousands of conflicts, because in order to use it one would have to change and amputate many naturally occurring and well known Slavic word-roots. The changing of thousands of roots in order to accomodate this type of plural formation was more negative to comprehension than the use of -(i)s plural ending. For example how do you create the plural of such words as Slavia, historia, guru, gora … without mutilating the roots of these words.
Making plurals of Slavia or historia is nonsense because words like Slavia, historia DO NOT HAVE PLURALS.
You can have only ONE SLAVIA, or TWO / THREE / FOUR etc. types of historia
or several interpretations of HISTORIA but no Slavias, Slavii or the like.
So to make plurals of such words as Slavia, historia and the like are OUT OF SENSE !
The rest of words are not „amputated“. The vowel endings are just replaced by other wovel – that is letter -i (plural), e.g. gora – gori, zxena – zxeni,
skala – skali, etc. as it is done in most of the Slavic languages.
So, allegation of the Slovio creator is linguistically unauthorised and wrong.
Plural ending – (i)s is not of slavic origin, totaly uncommon among Slavic
nations and would make more problems and misunderstandings as using
plural suffix -i which is absolutely understandable in Slavic languages.
-ju – after trying many other alternative adjective-endings we felt that this ending was the most natural and the most flexible for adjective. It can be just as easily added to roots ending with a consonant as to those ending with a vowel. This cannot be said about such endings as „a“ or „e“. And the adjective ending „-ju“ occurs naturally in some Slavic languages.
-a, -e -y, – all of these ending are less suitable to use as an ending for a natural language such as slovio because they require that the root ends with a consonant – something that is not possible with a naturally sounding Slavic language.
Another Slovio author´s nonsense of root ending with a consonant.
There are some of root endings in many word that are ended up with vowels.
Even letter -j is sometimes pronounced as letter -i that is not consonant.
Pronunciation of the letter – j sounding mostly as consonant when the letter
-j is preceded by any other consonant (najbolju). If there is any vowel
that is preceding the letter – j it sounds more as vowel than consonant (
Pronunciation of any adjective ended by vowel to which is to be added another
vowel as for creation of adjective is not difficult at all. It is as easy as
adding – ju to the end of any word. Anyway, adding the suffix – ju is of russian
origin and is not use among west and south-west slavic nations.
Slavic roots end both in vowels and in consonants and this fact has to be taken into consideration instead of amputating and mutilitating Slavic word-roots in order to fit imperfect grammar.
-ya, -yu – as explained previously the first versions of Slovio used „y“ instead of „j“ however this had been changed in later versions.
-uo – the advantage of this ending is the fact that the letter combination „u+o“ can be easily added onto word-roots ending both in vowels or in consonants. The other possible alternatives don’t allow this kind of universal usage, and once again demand amputation of naturally occurring vowels from Slavic word-roots.
-e, -o, -om – once again these kinds of simple endings may be well suited for artificial languages with artificially amputated roots, all of which end with a consonant, but are absolutely not suitable for Slavic languages which have roots ending both in vowels and in consonants.
Again, formation adverbs by other vowel(s) is not any „amputation“ as
M.Hucko is talking about. Adding just e.g. -o suffix is the same as adding
-uo to the end of adverb. Anyhow, adding -uo suffix is the same
„amputation“ of ending as any others because formation of any adverb
must be done by „amputating“ of naturaly formed adverbs in Slavic languages.
-(u)f, -(i)fs, – this is the feature of Slovio gramar which has caused the most arguments. While we realize that perhaps these endings are not ideal, we had to accept them during the first stages of Slovio development in order to complete the language and the grammar. At the time we had accepted these endings it was not yet clear how would the language develop, but since the letter „f“ is very rare in Slavic languages we felt that these endings created the least confusion and that they could be easily changed to a better to a more natural ending. Some of those other endings still being considered follow. However we felt that it was better to wait a little, until we and the rest of the Slavic speaking people were 100% sure about the best ending.
-(u)m, -(i)ms, – this is one of the other alternative.
-(u)f, -(i)ms, – currently we feel that perhaps this is the best alternative and the best replacement for „-(u)f, -(i)fs“.
-(u)g – this is similar to usage in south-Slavic languages but it is difficult to pronounce and may create problems for roots ending with „g“.
-(u)v – this is similar to usage in central-European Slavic languages and may create problems for roots ending with „v“.
-(u)h – this is another possible alternative.
Creating the object case by adding suffix -(i)fs as well as that one of -(u)h
is not very paractical because pronunciation of these endings is quite difficult.
These two consonants (-fs, -uh) going one after another is from syllabel point of view out of common Slavic sounding. Just a few people from Slavic countries
are able to pronounce them without any difficulty especially in a fluent speech.
If you have other proposals or other ideas you are welcome to voice them here. But before you give us other „new and revolutionary“ proposals how to improve Slovio, you should keep all of the above mentioned arguments in mind, and you should keep in mind that Slavic word-roots end just as frequently with a vowel as with a consonant. This is not Esperanto, this is Slovio – a natural fusion of modern Slavic languages.
To vsetko je pekne co pisete (aj by som s tym suhlasil, keby to bolo take jednoduche).
Chcem tym povedat, ze ja osobne, by som Esperanto (s urcitymi mensimi vylepseniami)
prijal, ako medzinarodny jazyk. Lenze, povedzte mi sami, ma to nejaky zmysel dopisovat si,
pripadne sa obcas s niekym len stretnut a pohovorit si v tomto jazyku len na urcitych zasadnutiach?
Ja by som bol za to, keby to najskor prijali svetove „jazykove“ velmoci ako celok ( USA, UK,
Francuzi, Spanieli, Nemci) a potom by prisiel rad na „nas – obycajnych ludi“. Lebo inak to nema
zmysel. Pripadne, keby to prijala aspon rada / parlament Europy, EU (niektora europska organizacia, ktora ma ake-take „medzinarodne slovo“ a respekt v tychto krajinach, aby to mohli
sirit a hlavne uzakonit, aby to bola ako povinnost sa tento jazyk naucit a komunikovat v nom.
Pretoze svetove institucie inak neprinutite (len tym, ze to pred nimi niekto „vyznamny“prijme.
Keby to predstavitelia vladnych institucii aspon v EU prijali takou formou, ze by sa v Esperante
vydavali (simultanne, popri ostatnych prekladoch) vsetky dokumenty, radiove, televizne, buletinove,
novinove, knizne, casopisove a ine dokumenty, spravy, a pod., tak, ze by to bola ako samozrejma
povinnost nielen pre niektore staty, ale pre povedzme celu Europu (aspon), tak by sa jej casom
musel prisposobit aj ostatny svet (hlavne USA).
Ja som pred casom napisal na rozne institucie EU (ktore rozhoduju o takychto veciach) zopar
e-mailov s navrhom (lepsie povedane perspektivnu moznost) nejakym sposobom uzakonit
Esperanto (pripadne nejaky dalsi umely jazyk, v pripade, ze by Esperanto s roznych pricin
nepreslo) ako povinny jednaci a dorozumievaci jazyk v EU.
Dostal som bohuzial odpovede, ze uz su tam jednacie jazyky (anglictina, francuzstina, nemcina)
a ostatne su tiez rovnopravne a takmer vsetko sa preklada to tych ostatnych clenskych jazykov.
Zdovodnoval som im usporu casu, materialu (hlavne papiera), naklady na tlmocnikov, prekladatelov, a ine veci, ktore velmi predrazuju celkove fungovanie tychto europskych institucii,
ale – to viete, ked niekto vam odpoveda, ktoreho rodny jazyk je trebars anglictina, francuzstina,
alebo nemcina – tak nema zaujem, aby take nieco existovalo.
Takze som si povedal, nema zmysel sa s takymito ludmi zapodievat a skusil som to na „poli“ kde
je vacsia sanca uspiet. Kedze som Slovan a aj rozumiem dost dobre vacsine ostatnych slovanskych
jazykov a tak isto si myslim, ze aj vacsina ludi z tychto krajin si ako – tak vzajomne rozumie, vytvorit nieco splolocne „aspon pre viac, ako 300 milionov ludi“, kde by priemerne vzdelani ludia
namali mat vacsie problemy si zvyknut na jednoduchsiu gramaticku strukturu, hoci drzal by som
sa aj trochu tej slovanskej a tak isto, aby som sa trochu priblizil „ostatnej Europe“, kde sa v jazykoch pouziva najviac povodom latinskych slov (vsetky romanske + anglictina), pridal som
do tohto jazyka trochu terminologie z latinciny a grectiny (hlavne vo vseobecno-vzelavacej stranke
ako su nazvy urcitych veci napr. v geografii, astronomii, matematike, fyzike, chemii, medicine a pod., co si myslim, ze neskodi veci).
Rozmyslal som nad dalsou moznostou zjednodusit celu latincinu a prisposobit ju tak trochu aj
„slovanskemu svetu“, co sa mi neskor zdalo ako trochu zbytocne, kedze uz existuju niektore
umelo-vytvorene jazyky, napr. Latino, Lingua Franca a pod.
Tieto jazyky maju ale smolu v tom, ze zase ich neprijme „germansky jazykovy svet“.
A plati to aj opacne. Takze zrejme najschodnejsia a zrejme aj najprijatelnejsia cesta v Europe
je (a zrejme aj bude), ked by sa vytvorili 3 druhy umelych jazykov : jeden celogermansky, jeden
celoromansky a jeden celoslovansky, pretoze len tieto 3 skupiny „hraju“ v europe ulohu.
Tie ostatne, ako Albancina, Madarcina, Grectina, Finstina a Baltske jazyky su poctom zanedbatelne
vzhladom na niekolko desiatok milionove zastupenia tychto 3 jazykovych skupin.
Presadit Esperanto v Europskom parlamente, ako jednaci a dorozumievaci jazyk.
Tak toto ked sa vam (Esperantistom) podari, tak mate vyhrate, pretoze potom bude tato „lavina“
postupovat dalej do inych statov sveta, kde ho budu musiet akceptovat, ako fakt.
Pripadne, keby to prijal „aspon“ jeden stat v europe, a uzakonil ho ako druhy oficialny (uradny jazyk) v tomto state – ako napr. Rakusania maju ako druhy uradny jazyk anglictinu.
V tomto jazyku sa nedaju studovat vsetky vedne odbory, remesla, neda sa s nim dorozumiet pri praci,
neakceptuju ho nikde vo svete, v pripade, ze by ste svoju pracovnu profesiu ovladali len v tomto jazyku. Jednoducho aj ked je logicky a jednoduchy, neda sa v tomto jazyku pracovat a bezne zit.
Zatial svet, ako celok, vam ho nebude akceptovat (ako ho neakceptoval doteraz).
Je len otazka – kedy? Cakat dalsich 50 rokov – to si myslim, ze je dost dlha doba pre jeden
ludsky zivot.
V meste Brighton na juhovychode Anglie, kde momentalne posobim som pracoval v roznych
zamestnaniach. Jedneho casu som vykonaval pracu v kuchyni miestnej zakladnej skoly spolu
este s jednym Poliakom. Celkom inteligentny chlapik, trochu tichsej povahy.
Obcas sme sa rozpravali – kazdy v tom svojom jazyku, ale rozumeli sme si celkom dobre,
kedze stavba gramatik a dost velka slovna zasoba nasich jazykov su si vzajomne dost podobne.
Pocas jedneho takehoto rozhovoru, nas nasa anglicka „kolegyna“, ktora pracovala s nami
(taka pani v strednych rokoch) upozornila, ze nesieme viest rozhovor v nasich materinskych
jazykoch, ale len v anglictine. Potom, to isla doslova „nabonzovat“ nasej menezerke, ktora
si nas dala zavolat a povedala nam, ze hovorit inym jazykom, ako anglickym na pracovisku
je zakazane. To nas oboch (mna aj toho Poliaka) uplne „dorazilo“ a povedali sme si, ze predsa
nam nebude niekto prikazovat, akou recou sa mame medzi sebou rozpravat (to je dokonca zakotvene aj v preambule europskych prav cloveka na vlastny materinsky jazyk).
Obcas, hoci uz menej sme nieco prehodili vo svojich „rodnych“ reciach a asi po tyzdni nam
nasa „veduca“ povedala, ze porusujeme, to co nam zakazala a (teraz sa podrzte) prepustila
nas z prace s tym, ze si najde takych ludi, co sa budu rozpravat medzi sebou v anglictine.
Problem totiz nebol, ze sa rozpravame, pretoze aj ostatni sa rozpravali – ale v anglictine,
kedze boli anglicania, problem bol v tom, ze sme sa rozpravali v dvoch vychodo-europskych
jazykoch – slovencine a polstine. Neviem si predstavit, ked by mali mnohi anglicky emigranti
roztruseni v mnohych krajinach sveta hovorit miestnymi jazykmi. Ten rozhovor sa netykal
nicoho, co by bolo potrebne aby to rozumeli aj ostatni a my predsa nemozeme za to, ze
anglicania su taki lenivi (takme skoro na vsetko, ale obzvlast na ucenie sa cudzich jazykov)
a nie su z nacionalistickych dovodov ochotni naucit sa poriadne aspon jeden cudzi jazyk.
Ale ako sme si ich (alebo lepsie povedane cely svet) „vychovali“ tak sa teraz aj oni spravaju.
Tento pripad v Brightone nie je ojedinely. Podobny sa stal aj v miestnej nemocnici, kde
pri umyvani riadu sa Poliaci rozpravali medzi sebou v polstine a boli niekolko-krat upozornovani, ze rozpravat sa mozu len v anglictine.
Tomuto by som neveril, ze take nieco je mozne v Anglicku, keby som to nebol zazil
na „vlastnej kozi“.
Inac, v miestnych knizniciach a knihkupectvach nemate ziadnu literaturu v nejakom slovanskom jazyku. Najfrekventovanejsie cudzie jazyky su tu popri francuzstine, nemcine
spanielcine a taliancine, aj arabcina, gujarati, hindu, japoncina a cinstina, pripadne este
niekde jazyk zulu z juznej Afriky. Nas slovanov, ako keby “ neuznavali“ a nepovazovali
nas za nieco, co sa oplati studovat, poznavat a pod. v sirsom meritku. Pre nich jednoducho
nieco, co je na vychod od Nemecka je zaostale a menejcenne a preto nas vacsinou beru
ako takych primitivnych „gastarbaiterov“ z vychodu, s ponukou tej najhorsej a najmenej
platenej prace, ktora je v ponuke. Netvrdim, ze je to vzdy a vsade, ale vo vacsine pripadov,
co sa stretavam s poliakmi, cechmi, slovakmi, lotismi a litovcami.
Na zaver by som povedal, ze nie je to tu take „ruzove“ ako sme si mysleli, hlavne nie v tom
za co nas oni povazuju a ako s nami jednaju. Najhorsie na tom je, ze clovek sa nema kam vratit,
kedze doma to je zase zle z hladiska zamestnanosti a zarobkov.
Priemerny plat pracovnych imigrantov z vychodnej Europy je 5, 50 libry na hodinu v hrubom,
pritom prenajom len jednospalnoveho bytu (1 spalen + obyvacka + kuchyna) tu vyjde
na 500 – 600 libier mesacne + dan z byvania, tzv. Council Tax, co je okolo 70-80 libier mesacne,
k tomu este mesacne vydaje za spotrebovanu vodu, elektriku, pripadne niekde aj plyn, dalej platba za televiziu, co robi dalsich okolo 40 libier mesacne, cize spolu je to okolo 665 libier mesacne.
Pri zarobku okolo 880 libier v hrubom, co je okolo 800 libier v cistom, v podstate vam
zostane 135 libier mesacne, co som este nepocital financie za listky v MHD a ostatne.
Tento vypocet je ale len orientacny a pre kazdeho individualny. Samozrejme je to len akysi priemer prijmov vacsiny tych, co sem prichadzaju z vychodnej Europy. Prijmi niektorych
sa ale naproti tomu mozu vyrazne lisit, v zavislosti od toho kde a v akej pozicii ten ktory dotycny pracuje.
Urcity cas som pracoval v pozicii, kde som navstevoval byty za ucelom testovania pristrojov
v domacnostiach. Poviem vam z 80% ti ludia byvali v takom „bordely“ v byte, kde vsetko
bolo porozhadzovane, neupratane, vsade kopa prachu, spinaveho neumyteho riadu, smeti a zniceneho nabytku, povytrhavane podlahy, steny pocmarane, pofrkane vsetkym moznym, znicene cele zariadenie bytu, atd. ze som mal casto krat dojem, ze sa nachadzam na Kosickom sidlisku Lunik, kde byvaju cigani.
Vacsina anglicanov su takí „darební“ a lenivi si po sebe upratat a dat si do poriadku svoje vlastne veci ze by si zasluzili zit niekde na opustenom ostrove a nie v europe. A to sme si mysleli, ze akí su oni „inteligentní“. Tak to by ste boli riadne prekvapeni, ti co tomu neveria.
Staci prist sem na take 2-3 roky a hned zmenite mienku o anglicanoch. To ze su tichi a kludni,
to uz davno o nich neplati. Rozculuju sa pri kazdej malickosti, vytrubuju na seba, len co sa niekto trochu zdrzi na krizovatke, hulákaju a vyvreskuju o 2-3 hodine rano, vracajuc sa z miestnych krciem a dokonca aj za bieleho dna rozhadzuju okolo seba pouzite plechovky z piva a Coly, bezne tu je vidiet ako sami anglicania odhadzuju za seba papiere, plastove obaly z roznych vyrobkov a dokonca som zazil na svojich cestach po juznom Anglicku aj to, ako casto vyhadzovali pouzite plechovice a sklenene flase priamo z aut. Jednoducho ich to nezaujima,
ze si nicia prostredie – ved maju predsa na to ludi „gastarbeiterov“ z vychodnej Europy, ktori
to po nich upratuju za minimalnu mzdu. A pritom sa robia strasne „mudri do vsetkeho“.
Nedaju si od nikoho radit a robia si po svojom, aj ked je casto zrejme, ze sa mylia, alebo robia
chyby, co sa hlavne stava pri kalkulaci cien potravin v obchodoch, rozne vypocty pri kalkulovani celkovych sum za urcite druhy sluzieb a tovarov.
To uz ani z daleka nie je ta Anglia co byvala pred niekolkymi desiatkami rokov. Mnohe sa
od vtedy zmenilo, hoci samotnym anglicanom ostala ta ich pohodlnost a lenivost, ale hlavne
by som povedal ta ich arogancia a namyslenost a urcitym sposobom aj nadradenost nad inymi
ludmi co sem prichadzaju zo sveta. Oni sa mam budu „skerit“ a usmievat priamo do tvare
(hoci na to casto nemaju dovod, ale zrejme je to v ich povahe) a o par hodin neskor na vas
„nabonzuju“ nejaku uplnu hlupost, alebo nieco neopodstatnene, co si zrejme oni myslia, ze
by to tak malo byt, vasmu nadriadenemu supervisorovi, alebo managerovi. Mnoho krat sa mi stalo, ze ocividny fakt popreli a klamali, ked by to malo ohrozit ich poziciu, postavenie, alebo
prestiz v zamestnani. Dokazu poprekrucat fakty a popiet aj to co povedali pred hodinou.
Oni to maju asi v ich povahe „spiclovat“ a „bonzovat“ na ludi, ked sa im nieco nevidi, ze nie
je v sulade s ich tradiciou, ale vacsina z nas by sa nad tym ani nepozastavovala a zrejme by im
asi „potukala“ na celo. Oni ked si nieco zaumienia, hoci cely ostatny svet by sa vzajomne prisposobil, tak sa radsej budu drzat toho svojho, aj ked je to v mnohych pripadoch nenormalne, alebo prinajmensom smiesne.
Samozrejme, nechcem tymto clankom tvrdit, ze vsetko je v Anglii zle, alebo zastarale, ale to co som tu opisal bolo cerpane z pozorovania ludi, vlastnych skusenosti a ich spravania voci inym, hlavne nam z vychodnej Europy a beznych zivotnych a pracovnych situacii a to nielen mojich,
ale aj z rozpravania hlavne poliakov, cechov a slovakov, co tu pracuju.
Oni nas potrebuju hlavne na take prace, ktore vacsina anglicanov nechce robit.